It doesn’t matter which industry you choose to examine, people quit their jobs all the time. Of course, some industries have a higher turnover than others but they all fall victim to these motivations. Here are some of the top reasons why people choose to quit their jobs:

Top 5 Reasons People Are Quitting Their Job
Lack of Trust
If you have ever been in a position with responsibility then you understand the temptation to micromanage everything. After all, you have to answer for any mistakes! But one of the reasons people leave their jobs is that they feel they aren’t trusted. Some employees do need to be told what to do every step of the way, but that is not always the case and when an employee demonstrates that they are responsible they should be given a little leeway to do their job and be trusted.
Not Being Appreciated
Right on the back of the previous one is this: not being appreciated. It is so common nowadays to hear that someone was appointed with a set job description and has since taken on additional duties (some by choice, others by necessity) and often they are not paid more or even given so much as a thank you in recognition for the extra work they are putting in. Credit should be given where credit is due and if you have an employee whose work is exemplary or they often go the extra mile, you should absolutely be letting them know you appreciate them!

Not Being Appreciated
No Option For Growth
Appreciation can also take the form of providing an employee with an opportunity to grow their careers. Another reason people leave a job is that there is little to no future. All the top spots are occupied, progression has reached a stalemate and there is no way for an ambitious employee to grow. This can be very discouraging and often they will leave for greener pastures that appreciate that they want to go places and improve their skills.
Relationship With Coworkers
Workplace bullying is a real thing. Nothing sours a job you love more than a nasty coworker who makes your life hell. You might absolutely love what you do but when you wake up in the morning the thought of seeing this person fills you with dread and that is a sure-fire way to get someone to quit. It can be little things like eating your lunch out the fridge every day, making snide and condescending remarks, purposefully distracting or irritating to provoke an outburst, the list goes on and on.
Bad Management
All of these can be attributed to one big bugbear! Bad management. There is nothing worse than a boss/manager who sours the office with an outdated, authoritarian management style. This usually includes belittling employees, micromanaging, denying credit, encouraging toxic behavior in the workplace, or simply ignoring it, stifling growth and ambition of new recruits, and even so far as sexual harassment. If one of the above isn’t the singular reason someone quits it is often the culmination of the problems caused by bad management that forces their hand.