All geared up for the ultimate sweaty workout? Relax a minute. The following are ~the~ best foods you need to eat before and after a workout because you do need to fuel the body the right way. Eat up right if you want to deliver the ultimate sweat session!

Before And After A Workout What You Should Eat
Before: Whole Wheat Toast with Sliced Banana and Cinnamon
Carbs should be your go-to when preparing to workout. However it is crucial to design an even balance of simple and complex carbs. Why? Because energy will be released in a slow and steady rate as you workout. This is vital for sustaining a steady pace as you burn fat and build muscle. Opt for whole-wheat toast with fruit to boost energy, receive both types of carbs, and it’s easy to digest. Add bananas to increase your potassium levels and cinnamon to stabilize blood sugar while improving overall brain function. That sounds like one amazing sandwich!
After: Grilled Chicken and Mixed Vegetables
As your body recovers from an intense workout, fill it with nutrients, people. And chicken is a great choice to do just that. Chicken fills you without making you feel bloated because of the carbs and lean protein it has. Add a mix of vegetables, in olive oil, to maintain a healthy and happy heart.
Before: Greek Yogurt and Trail Mix
Runners listen up! Eat some yogurt before stepping into your running shoes. Yogurt won’t overwhelm your stomach which is key. Add some trail mix to offer a small boost of energy. Opt for nuts and dried fruits and don’t reach for any chocolate! Dried fruits contain healthy sugars that give off a quick energy boost while nuts keep your insulin levels up. However don’t go too crazy with nuts as they are high in far and take longer to digest, that’ll only leave you sluggish and that’s not the point.
After: Veggie Omelet with Avocado
Surely you know that eggs offer the best source of protein? Thought so. Don’t just always go for scrambled eggs either. Make a vegetable packed omelet instead! Add avocado for added fiber and good fats (monosaturated). Avocados absorb fat soluble nutrients best which are found in your vegetables, including vitamins A, D, E and K. Each of these vitamins are filled with antioxidants.
