More often than not, genetics has the biggest effect on a person’s ability to burn fat. However, certain types of food can help jumpstart the body’s metabolism, and affect it positively. When a person can’t lose weight or if our weight loss stalls, we often blame it on a faulty metabolism in the body. If this is the case though, eating metabolism-boosting foods could possibly help counteract these negative effects. Here are the best snacks to keep a healthy metabolism in one’s body.

Best Snacks For A Healthy Metabolism
The avocado is naturally high in healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which promote satiety, or the feeling of being full. Even adding just half an avocado to a meal may be able to help overweight people feel more satisfied and possibly reduce their desire to eat in the few hours following a meal. Avocado is also an anti-inflammatory food, and inflammation in the body could interfere with the body’s metabolism rate. Eating the fruit could possibly counteract these, ensuring that the body’s metabolism is at its tip-top shape at all times. Furthermore, avocado is quite handy to consume, as you can eat it by itself in its fruit form, or it could be made into smoothies or shakes, often added to many health shakes by gym-goers.
Chili Peppers
Spicy foods have been found to help speed up metabolism, and may possibly help to lose weight. A prime example of these types of food would be chili peppers, and the capsaicin active compound within it has been the primary reason for this. This compound could be responsible for enhancing or speeding up the body’s metabolism, being a thermogenic chemical. This means that eating this would cause your body’s temperature to rise. When the body’s temperature rises, the body goes into a cooldown mode, causing your body to burn more calories. Besides its thermogenic properties, capsaicin also has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces inflammation within the body which could interfere with the body’s metabolic rate.
Beans are a source of protein, which helps to make your body feel satiated. Beans also contain amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, and can help preserve muscle mass which enables your body to burn more calories while your body is at rest. This would mean that your body’s metabolism could be increased or kept at a peak rate even if you’re just resting, or not exerting any effort. Another ingredient of beans is the fiber they contain, and this helps to fill you up with fewer calories overall. This could make you go for a longer time between meals, or even eat less overall. Besides all these positive metabolic effects, beans taste good as well, and come in many flavors and types, enough to keep your palate curious, while keeping your body satiated.

Chicken eggs are not only low in calories but are an excellent source of protein. They also come with healthy fat, which helps make you feel full longer, and wards off any feelings of hunger. Eggs are also a good source of B vitamins, which help convert the food you eat into energy, helping process those calories eaten and using them for the body’s energy needs. These processes have the effect of supporting and boosting your metabolism, ensuring that your body is kept churning at a fast pace. The two-pronged effect of making you satiated more while increasing the amount of energy your body generates from the food you eat is an excellent combination to keep your metabolism in tip-top shape.