The Gift of Aluminum Foil, Plastic Wrap and Their Surprising Everyday Uses

Published on 12/14/2019

Glue Gun

Glue guns are such a handy tool. They can be used for crafts, repair, and many other makeshift solutions. However, they do get extremely hot and can create a layer of molten glue that will dry up, and plug your gun.

Glue Gun

Glue Gun

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to deal with this gunky residue. It’s too hot when it’s hot and too hard when it’s at a reasonable temperature. So, you can use aluminum foil to help scrape off whatever gunk may be left on the tip!


Bag Sealer

When you feel like cheating on your diet, there’s nothing like a bag of chips. The pretzels, the Cheetos, whatever delicious carbs you’ve been thinking about all day. Unfortunately, because you only rarely let yourself indulge, these chips have had plenty of time to become stale. If you don’t properly seal a bag, you can say goodbye to the crispy freshness that makes your chips, well, chips.

Bag Sealer

Bag Sealer

Instead of buying some clip that won’t even properly close your bag, just use a strip of foil! After placing the foil between the opening of the bag, place the iron over it and bam! Just like that, it’s sealed, like it was never opened in the first place.