These Superfoods Can Prevent Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity, And So Much More

Published on 01/22/2019


Cabbage is one of the most underrated superfoods! In addition to being a great low-calorie snack, it is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and important antioxidants. Moreover, it contains high amounts of vitamin C, which has been known to help boost the immune system and also guard against heart disease. This big green hero also helps stop vision loss and protects against some types of cancers. Cabbage is another staple in many Asian countries’ cuisine.




Brown Rice

Brown rice has been a staple in countless cultures and regions around the world. While the jury is out on whether brown or white rice is more popular around the world, there’s one winner when it comes to health. Brown rice has higher nutrient contents than white rice, and it is also gluten-free. Brown rice has countless healthy vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that help trigger weight loss and protects the body against heart disease and diabetes. Cabbage is another staple in many Asian countries’ cuisine.

Brown Rice

Brown Rice