The 100 Most Phenomenal Sports Pictures Ever

Published on 03/01/2021

Alan Ameche

December 28, 1958 – NFL Championship Game. Alan Ameche, the fullback for the Baltimore Colts, drives his way through Jim Patton, the defensive back for the New York Giants. This then led him to score the victor’s touchdown during this 1958 NFL Championship Game’s overtime. Simply put, this moment was known as “The Greatest Game Ever Played”. While there have been plenty of stunning instances of football glory that followed this epic display, none of them matched this one.

Alan Ameche

Alan Ameche


Jim Brown

November 29, 1964, at Cleveland. Jim Brown, the running back for the Browns, artfully dodges past the defense of the opposing Philadelphia team. This stunning display of agility was witnessed in the season of 1964. Brown is pictured moving much, much faster than the challenging opponents at a clearly unstoppable pace. Even if the whole team happened to swarm around Brown, he would probably have still managed to shoot through the gaps. This is what it takes to become a leading running back.

Jim Brown

Jim Brown