The Who, The Who Sell Out (1967)
Here we have a vinyl that is almost impossible to track down in your run-of-the-mill record store. The Who was adamant that just 1,000 prints of The Who Sell Out should be produced. In the record game, rarity often leads to lucrativeness, and this particular vinyl is a hotly desired wonder among collectors. You would definitely remember buying this vinyl, given its psychedelic butterfly on the cover. Those that use eBay could list this record at about $1,100.

The Who
Nirvana, Bleach (1989)
While Nevermind might be Nirvana’s most popular album, the Bleach record will earn the dedicated grunge fan the most money. Nirvana copied The Who’s marketing tactics with this record’s release by limiting its production to 1,000 copies, with a single sale going for $2,500. The initial production of the album had a blank cover. The blue 7” and white 12” third round of this record’s release saw just 500 prints. These are all now worth about $1,100 each.

Nirvana Bleach