How A Regular Home Renovation Project Brought On An FBI Investigation

Published on 01/12/2021

Shine Bright

A light burning for seven decades straight, let alone a neon light which CAN have a lifespan of burning for 40 years straight, seems impossible, right? Not in our next story. Owner of Clifton’s Cafeteria, one of LA’s most sought after diners, decided to embark on a journey of renovations. However, when they moved on to the bathroom they found exactly that – a neon light, that according to experts, had been burning for about 77 years! Apparently, the globe was put on in 1935, and would soon explain why the owner had paid up to $17,000 electric bills!

Shine Bright

Shine Bright



Some chilling documentation and evidence, had it been found a few decades earlier, might have been able to prevent one of the most iconic tragedies in history – the holocaust during the Second World War! That’s right, these movers came across over 6000 documents revealing secrets and plans regarding the holocaust to kill and relocate the Jews to the ghetto in Budapest. Top secret Nazi documentation, that was probably supposed to be destroyed at the time, but the person who had these in their possession thought that inside of the walls would make a safe hiding place. They were wrong.

